ECM Britain

Address:    European Christian Mission, 34-35 Moulton Park Business Centre, Redhouse Road, Northampton, NN3 6AQ
Telephone: +44 (0)1604 497603 (09:30am - 2:45pm Monday to Thursday)


The ECM office in Britain is working with a dedicated team of office staff, board members and volunteers to support the recruitment, deployment and member care of missionaries. In addition, the office mobilizes Christians in Britain to help build a different Europe, through prayer and financial support.

Office Team
The office team is responsible for the daily running of the ECM's British headquarters where we deal with recruiting and supporting new missionaries, offer member care to those on the field, deal with funds for projects and people, share the vision for ministry in Europe and more.

The board of ECM Britain consists of a number of skilled, committed people with diverse backgrounds. They oversee the running of the office.

We also appreciate the contribution of volunteers who support our ministry in a variety of ways. What is done by them changes from time to time based on who is available and what our current needs and programmes prove to be.

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