Pedro and Ana Fonseca


We want to see people in Porto come to know the Lord Jesus.

Pedro and Ana are from Porto, a city in northern Portugal, where they live with their young son, Natanael.  Between 2021 and 2024, they lived in the UK, having moved there to pursue ministry training with the goal of returning to Portugal to serve the Lord. During this time, they trained at the Cornhill Training Course and worked as ministry trainees at Emmanuel Church Wimbledon. In September 2024, they returned to Portugal to join a new church plant in Porto. 

Portugal, particularly in the north, is predominantly Roman Catholic. Many people still live in spiritual darkness, not knowing the true gospel. Evangelical churches are few, often small, and many lack faithful expository Bible teaching. There is a great need for gospel workers in the region.  Pedro and Ana are passionate about seeing more people in Porto come to know the Lord Jesus and helping Christians grow in their faith and love for Him. Their vision is to invest in prayerful Word ministry—teaching and preaching the Bible, leading Bible studies, and reading the Bible one-to-one with individuals. They have a heart to equip local churches in northern Portugal for effective Word ministry by fostering opportunities to train others to teach the Bible faithfully.

First Culture Workers for Portugal
Land van oorsprong

With ECM since 2024

Fonseca family photo

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