Mike & Daveen Wilson

'Build houses and live in them; plant gardens and eat their produce. ... Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.' Jeremiah 29:5,7

We moved to Mourão, a small city in the Alentejo region of Portugal, in February 2017. Since then, we have bought a plot of land a few minutes’ walk from the city, and are busy transforming the rundown farm building into a home. Now that it’s rained, we are also planting a garden, as many do here, as well as tending the couple of hundred olive trees. We are also forming friendships with many. The local priest invited us to start Bible studies and we have just begun these meetings – please pray for a hunger for God’s word and wisdom in leading the studies. We held these studies until the Covid lockdown, and then a new priest forbade us to hold them anymore. We have recently been able to form a friendship with him, though, and are awaiting further developments. We are waiting and seeking ways in which we can contribute to the welfare of this place, as well as praying for it as we walk its streets.

Daveen is now on the Member Care Leadership team, and doing her best to care for her colleagues here in Portugal.

Our sending church is Sutton Coldfield Baptist Church: www.scbc.org.uk

To view Daveen's daily photo blog click here

Cross Cultural Workers in Portugal
Land van oorsprong
Great Britain

With ECM since 2016

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