Julia Mercer-Wilson

My deepest wish is that others may know how high and wide and deep the love of God is and therefore want a relationship with Him.

To many, the word 'church' is boring, irrelevant and associated with a complicated history and therefore best left in the past. Non-Catholic churches in Spain are largely regarded as sects for foreigners, yet the message of the God of the Bible is exciting, relevant, transforming and lifesaving. It's a message people need to hear and see and must be made accessible to everyone, wherever they're at. 

After 9 years in Spain, working together with the church in Camarma, Madrid, the Lord has been nudging me to learn more about how to help others be aware of God's transforming presence. In January 2022 I moved to Catalunya to join the 'Acueducto' team, who partner with Healing Care Ministries. We believe that by investing in the emotional and spiritual well-being of God’s people, a greater impact can be made across Europe through the body of Christ. We long to see a new Europe, transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit with Jesus Christ at the centre.

Our vision is: 

  • To teach people living in Europe about the transforming power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

  • To lead Christians that live a life of bondage and brokenness into freedom and healing that only Jesus Christ can bring through the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • To train and equip leaders of different ministries and churches in Spain and Europe to do the same. 

  • To position leaders to grow in their connection with the Lord though spiritual formation and spiritual direction.

Cross Cultural Worker in Spain
Land van oorsprong

Met ECM sinds 2011

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