
131957 km2

In a land that is still defined by Greek Orthodoxy, the evangelical church in Greece remains a religious minority. In recent years, however, two major crises, first economic, and then the influx of refugees, have transformed the cultural landscape. In this landscape, new churches are being planted, and networks of church planters are being established. Although still a very tiny minority, the evangelical church in Greece has also grown as many recent arrivals have come to Christ or brought their faith with them. The Lord has moved people from many nations to Greece and through so much disruption has added to his church through arrivals from Central Asia, the Middle East, North and West Africa, as well as other parts of Europe like Romania and Albania.

We are looking for the right people to join us in our vision to serve Greek churches.

Our primary focus is to support evangelical churches in Greece in three key areas:

  1. To reach the Greek population with the gospel, through evangelism, personal discipleship, and church planting.
  2. To serve the humanitarian needs, both immediate and long term, of the Greek people, as well as many ethnic minorities, including a large refugee population.
  3. To work alongside and support the growing number of small groups of believers emerging among newly arrived immigrant communities, in discipleship and mentoring for leadership.






EU lidmaatschap lijkt nu een molensteen te zijn rond de nek van Griekenland. Een combinatie van factoren heeft veroorzaakt dat de economie is gedaald van een mogelijk gevaarlijke naar een uitgesproken rampzalige. Onmogelijke schulden en tekorten, groter wordende onrust en geen gemakkelijke oplossingen wijzen allemaal naar een moeilijke financiële toekomst voor Griekenland – en de hele EU – wat de uitkomst van de crisis ook is. Toerisme, landbouwprodukten en industrie zijn allemaal belangrijk. Griekenland heeft de grootste koopvaardijvloot in de EU.

The statistics are meant to give an impression, not to stigmatise. Statistics taken from "Operation World, 7th edition, 2010", see also

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