Anna Crawford

Peter and Anna Crawford joined ECM in 2002. They served as missionaries in Lisbon, Portugal, where they were involved for over 12 years in church planting, mission leadership and member care. Later on, they felt God leading them to move to a new mission field for both them and ECM: Athens, Greece.

“God began to stir in our hearts to make this move about three years ago, about the time when ECM leadership had started to pray and think about developing a new presence in Greece. By the beginning of this year, 2020, we read Oswald Chamber’s devotional book (My Utmost for His Highest) and, through the phrase “Will you go out, not knowing?” (Jan 2nd)  we strongly felt the call to move out, even with the disruption caused by the Coronavirus Pandemic."

In 2022, however, Peter and Anna had to return to Northern Ireland due to Peter's unexpected illness. On the 19th of August, 2022, Peter finished the race and went to the Presence of the Lord. ECM praises God for his life and ministry and is thankful for his many years of service in the mission.

Currently living in Northern Ireland, Anna continues to support colleagues and ministries in Greece, remotely, and she is planning a short term visit to Greece in the future. Anna is praying and waiting on the Lord to show her what areas of ministry she should be part of within ECM, both in Northern Ireland and in Greece. 

Cross Culture Worker in Greece
Land van oorsprong

Met ECM sinds 2002

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