Roman & Iryna Matviyiv

Mathew, Ania

We are excited to be part of the larger ECMI family and look forward to what God is going to do in our midst!

Field Director, New Hope Ukraine - Missionaries in Lviv, Ukraine

As the New Hope Ukraine (established in 1995) Field Director, Roman, oversees 8-full time staff members, over 20 part-time staff and approximately 700 volunteers in most of the 25 region-states of Ukraine. Every year New Hope Ukraine team reaches out to thousands of students, children, orphans and families using various kinds of programs. New Hope Ukraine is known and recognized by the government of Ukraine for active work especially youth in public schools, universities and other educational institutions. In early 2010, Roman was invited to become part of an “Experts Council” formulated by the Ukrainian government. Made up of selected representatives from non-governmental organization, this group analyzes changes to Ukrainian law and proposes new changes, dealing specifically with children, youth, family, orphan care, morality, and health.

In 2004, Roman married his wife, Iryna, who works as a full time translator for New Hope Ukraine. They have a son, Mathew, born in December 2007 and a daughter, Anna, born in September 2009. All of Roman’s family has become involved in New Hope’s ministry.  His father, Stepan, continues to function as New Hope Ukraine’s National Director.

First Culture Workers in Ukraine
Land van oorsprong

With ECM since 2015

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