Féy Cotter

"May your ways be known throughout the earth, your saving power among people everywhere. May the nations praise you, O God." (Psalm 67:2-3a)

Murray and I were church planting and disciple making with ECM in Albania from 1996-2002 and then again from 2011 to 2018. From 2013 I was also involved in Field leadership in Albania and across the Balkans. When we returned to New Zealand In late 2018 I was appointed as the ECM mobiliser for NZ. Towards the end of 2021 I was appointed as the National Director for ECM NZ.

My primary focus is to facilitate people in New Zealand to join in with what God is doing in Europe, whether this is through 'going' (long term or short term) or 'supporting' (financially or prayerfully) those who feel called to go. 

I am also on the ECM Australian member care team with responsibity to care for many of the women who are working in Europe, and a member of the ECM International Leadership Team. 

National Director in ECM New Zealand; Member care in ECM Australia
Land van oorsprong
Nieuw Zeeland

Met ECM sinds 1996-2002, 2010

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