Goran Macura

“These people need to hear about Jesus and God has opened a door for that to begin happening.”

Church Planter in Slovenia

Goran is a national worker in his home country of Slovenia. 0.1% of the population in Slovenia would describe themselves as evangelical Christians and its main religion, like many other European countries is Catholic, with a total of 73% Catholics living in Slovenia. 

Goran worked for CEF with his wife Metka for many years and recently God laid a desire on Goran’s heart to plant a church in the town of Domzale. Domzale has a population of 13,000 but it has no evangelical church..  

Whilst Goran is waiting on the funding and the people to start this church, he is working in a restaurant across the road from where the church is going to be established. There, he builds relationships, and lets people know that he is a Christian and follower of Jesus. People are already asking questions and wondering what is different about Goran. Goran hopes and prays that the church will be populated with the people he meets through the restaurant. 

Please pray for Goran, and his family. Pray that God would bring in the funds and the people needed to establish this church in Domzale, and that Goran would build really good relationships with those he works with and serves in the restaurant.

First Culture Worker in Slovenia
Land van oorsprong

With ECM since 2020

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