Diana Kulashekhar

Diana is a Slovene living in Helsinki, Finland. She previously served with student ministry and as a church worker in Ljubljana, which she counts as a great privilege and blessing. Reading the Bible with young people and seeing quite a few of them coming to Christ, gave her a big passion for sharing the gospel and equipping individuals for God’s work. Serving in Ljubljana, where she also met with world mission for the first time, was good preparation for the work she is doing now with ECMI.

When Diana moved to Finland, she also transitioned to a new role in the ECMI Human Resources department. In her main role she is supporting and equipping missionaries across Europe. She also works with the Ministry Development Group and Advisory Group that are providing guidance and supporting structure for missionaries to thrive in their work.

Moving to Scandinavia is opening new possibilities for serving in the “Nordics”, a small ECMI regional team seeking to further the kingdom of God in the nordic countries. Her great passion is to see the gospel proclaimed in Europe and for missionaries to be well supported as they are serving God.

Diana is married to Shrikanth and together they are looking for ways to be a blessing to their community in Helsinki.

Human Resources Specialist
Land van oorsprong

With ECM since 2020

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