Seth & Camila Thomas

"All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the LORD, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you, For kingship belongs to the LORD, and he rules over the nations." (Psalm 22:27-28)

Camila was born and raised in Costa Rica while Seth was raised in Virginia, U.S.A. The Lord brought them together over their mutual conviction to do missions work, and they got married July of 2022. They visited Spain in October of 2022 and felt the Lord was calling them to go and make disciples there.

Camila and Seth are new to the ECMI team and to Spain. They will be spending a lot of time learning about the people and culture among which they will serve. They hope to aid in the local church's efforts to make disciples among the hard-to-reach communities of Spain. Their deepest desire is to see lives changed by the love of Jesus.

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Cross Cultural Workers in Spain
Land van oorsprong
United States / Costa Rica

With ECM since 2024

Seth and Camilla Thomas

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