Lauren Espedido

Know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth (Psalm 46:10)
After spending my final year of an intercultural ministry apprenticeship in Spain, I've returned to Australia to be further equipped. For the next 3 years, I'll be studying at Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC) with the hope to return to the field afterwards. 
God's heart is for the nations and he's given me a passion for cross-cultural ministry. From my time in Spain, I've seen that the need for gospel witnesses and workers is huge! There are so many people who've never met the real person of Jesus and don't have anyone who can tell them. My prayer is that in this season God would be preparing me well to serve His kingdom in cross-cultural ministry. 
Candidate for Spain
Land van oorsprong

With ECM since 2022

Front Photo Lauren E

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