Samuel & Madeleine

Through relationships we want to show Austrians the relevance of the gospel for themselves.

Sami and Maddie are excited to return to Vorarlberg, Austria in early 2025 to apply all they’ve learnt at Sydney Missionary Bible College and during their time in Australia to God-willingly grow his kingdom there.

They are particularly interested in relational evangelism and exploring missional small groups as a way to break through the hard soil of a post-Catholic, secular society. They will start off their first 2-3 years back in Austria by serving alongside other ECM missionaries at the Christliche Gemeinde Dornbirn, while discerning what God would like them to do long-term in Vorarlberg. Their vision is to plant new churches in areas where there aren‘t any yet and explore new, deeply relational models of church and evangelism. They will both work bi-vocationally out of conviction; to keep connected to the secular world, to use those connections for introducing people to the gospel and to model a new way of doing ministry for upcoming leaders in the Vorarlberg church.

Schelkshorns Sign Up Caps

Candidates for Austria
Land van oorsprong
Austria (Samuel) & Australia (Madeleine)

With ECM since 2024

Schelkshorn Profile

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