Theofil and Natascha Mayer

"We live and work together with the people in our neighbourhood to bring Jesus Christ to them in an easy and understandable way."
Theophil and Natascha live in Schwerin, East-Germany, since the beginning of 2021. There they work at the Patchwork Center.

Natascha is a trained educator (for children) and worked in a kindergarten for 4 years. She brings her gifts and skills to lead and support the children's ministry at the Patchwork Center. Among other things, she leads the children's hour and the children's gymnastics.

Theophil is a trained Technical Designer and he also studied theology for three years in Switzerland. Now he leads the workshop at the Patchwork Center.

"We live and work together with the people in our neighbourhood. We want to bring Jesus Christ closer to them in an easy and understandable way."
First Culture Workers in Germany
Land van oorsprong

With ECM since 2021

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