Manoel Lisboa

Manoel Lisboa is married to Tania Molinari Rodrigues dos Santos. They have three children: Kleyton, Glauber and Andrés. As a family, they spent four years on the mission field in the cities of Bogotá and Medellín, Colombia. During this time they worked on revitalising a church in Bogotá and planting a church in Medellín. At the same time, they founded the Kairós Mission in Colombia. In 2002 they planted the Redil Church in São Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro, where they now live, and in Lanzarote, Spain. He was involved in sending some missionaries to Mexico in 2008 and to Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil in 2010. He is currently the Vice President of the Kairós Mission, responsible for the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He was introduced to MCE by board member Jorge Freitas, who connected him with the executive director. The board members later invited him to join the team

ECM Brazil Trustee
Land van oorsprong

With ECM since 2023

Manoel Lisboa Trustee

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