Stoven Kennerley


I had been feeling challenged to be more outward focused and find new ways to serve beyond the rather insular role of being a good father to my growing family, which is still a vital role! When asked to become trustee, it presented an opportunity to serve God, and others, in a way that makes use of talents I feel God has given me. Along with my European heritage, my Aunt has lived in France since before I was born, and so I have a French uncle and cousins. Before too many kids put a pause on travelling, I enjoyed extensive time travelling in Europe, as I have long been interested in Europe's diverse history and culture, particularly through study of music.

I am also aware that despite its Christian heritage, Europe has a great need for missionaries, and being a trustee is a small way I can contribute to help facilitate that.

Land van oorsprong
New Zealand

With ECM since 2024

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