Benjamin Dopplinger

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. (Romans 12:1)

Born and raised in Austria, Benjamin came to repentance and faith in his early 20s. He later lived in Melbourne, Australia for seven years until his early 30s.

Growing in discernment in Australia, Benjamin only came to know about the gospel poverty in his home country halfway through his stay in Australia. Moved and constrained by this, he resolved to return to Austria in order to share the good news of the mercy of God there in the hope that God would use his efforts to raise more servants of Christ who would joyfully serve him with all of their lives because of his glorious grace towards us (2 Cor 5:20, Rom 12:1)

After working for AFES in student ministry for his final two years in Australia, Benjamin returned to Austria where he now works part time for ÖSM in the Austrian student ministry. He also studies theology part time at Martin Bucer Seminary in Munich, Germany.

Benjamin is living in Graz in the south east of Austria.

First Culture Worker in Austria
Land van oorsprong

With ECM since 2021

Ben D

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