Mark Sherer, Ph.D.

"I have a passion for supporting missionaries in the field and identifying short term missions that are true service opportunities, not vacations."

Mark Sherer, Ph.D.

Mark is a clinical neuropsychologist, working primarily in physical rehabilitation hospitals programs. For the last 12 years, his work has been conducting research on traumatic brain injury. He currently serves as the Associate Vice President for Research at TIRR Memorial Hermann in Houston, the 2nd ranked rehabilitation hospital in the US.

He trusted Christ at age 9 when he told his parents that he wanted to become a Christian and be saved. Following a meeting with his pastor he asked Christ to come into his heart and to change him.

Regarding missions, he grew up talking to his cousin and her husband about their work as missionaries in the rain forests of Brazil. Mark indicates they set the example for him in carrying out the Great Commission.

A few years ago, he and his wife, Connie, and their son and daughter were able to go to Ukraine two years in a row on short term mission trips. As they ministered to the physical and spiritual needs of Ukrainians, he knew that in a small way that he was carrying out the Great Commission. He indicates that this was a life changing experience. Since that time, they have had a passion for supporting missionaries on the field and identifying short term missions that are true service opportunities, not vacations, to help other Christians have the opportunity for spiritual growth that he had in Ukraine.

ECMI-USA Board Member
Land van oorsprong
United States

With ECM since 2017

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