Lorna Moore

Lorna has been with ECM Ireland for over 2years, and although starting as a maternity cover Administrator, she is our Communications and Supporter Relations Manager.

Lorna is wife to Scott and he is the Director of European Mission Fellowship (EMF). Lorna grew up in Glengormley before studying English Literature and History at the University of Edinburgh and then an MSc in Teaching English as a Foreign Language at Queens University Belfast. She spent 4 years working as a Staff Worker with Christian Unions Ireland in the North West, Belfast and Dundalk, and now, alongside ECM Ireland, she works part time with IFES Europe as their regional administrator and PA to the European Director. Lorna’s love for Europe started as a child through many holidays on the continent, and has since had opportunities to serve on mission in Eastern Europe and on the island of Ireland. Lorna has a very loved sausage dog called Dora, and enjoys tea, caramel lattes, cake, time spent with friends, sewing, travelling and reading.

Communication and Supporter Relations Manager of ECM Ireland
Land van oorsprong
Northern Ireland

With ECM since 2021

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