Brad & Jennifer Pellish

“I have the privilege of serving those who serve the church in Europe with ECMI-USA.”

Brad Pellish joined ECMI-USA in January 2020 as Vice President of Staff Care and Development. His primary responsibilities include providing pastoral care and facilitating holistic services to benefit the missionaries serving with the USA mobilization section. Additionally, he is responsible for church and donor relations for ECMI-USA.

In his nearly thirty years of pastoral ministry, Brad served churches in Ohio, Michigan, and Arizona. He has visited more than thirty-five countries as part of his leadership of global outreach partnerships and short-term mission teams. While he has appreciated his experiences in all parts of the world, Europe is where he feels the greatest sense of connection and calling.

Brad and Jennifer have been married since 1988.  They have three adult children.

ECMI-USA Vice President of Staff Care and Development
Land van oorsprong

With ECM since 2019

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