Bostjan & Lidija Cifer

Bostjan and Lidija Cifer are planting a church and mentoring university students in Maribor, Slovenia.

As a church they are committed to placing God at the centre of their lives, to help everyone grow to maturity and to enabling everyone to develop all of their God given potential. 

Bostjan and Lidija are also involved in student ministry focusing on building the student community, where students will grow in the knowledge of Christ and will impact the university and society as a whole for the glory of Christ.

Their desire is to live as Christ's church in accordance with their calling and to be witnesses of God's love and truth to their neighbours in Maribor and the surrounding area. Their vision is best described in Paul’s words from Colossians 1,28: “Him we proclaim, admonishing everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.”

They want to see lives transformed by Christ that will in turn transform the society in which we live.

First Culture Workers in Slovenia
Land van oorsprong

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