Grace Tindell

Originally from small-town Illinois in the USA, Grace loves cats and learning about new cultures and history.  Her heart is to share the hope of Christ with migrant women and children coming from a very different worldview.
Her place of service is Madrid, serving in a community center in one of the most culturally diverse neighborhoods in Europe where she already completed two years as a volunteer. Her Middle Eastern and cross-cultural studies, her ministry experience with young adults and in discipleship, and her ongoing Spanish classes have been helping prepare her for this longer-term move.

About me

  • I have a heart for migrant ministry and bringing the hope of Christ to migrant women and children.
  • I grew up in Galena, IL and I am a small-town girl.
  • I love cats and I have a cat named Eliza Doolittle.
  • I have an older sister and one nephew and two nieces.
  • I enjoy learning about new cultures and history.

My experience

  • Served in Madrid, Spain for two years.
  • In college, had a variety of classes on foreign cultures and cross-cultural ministry.
  • Worked with young adults and discipleship.
  • Volunteered at a community center that reaches out to migrants in Madrid.
  • Attended Spanish classes and around an intermediate level in reading and understanding Spanish.
  • Attended Refugee Highway Partnership conference in Naples

Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God's good news, we believe that he has called us to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in communities where he is least known. Therefore, compelled by God's great love and empowered by the Holy Spirit...

  • We cross barriers to proclaim the crucified and risen Christ, expressing his love and compassion among those who live and die without Him.
  • We make disciples who will trust and obey Jesus and become part of Christ-centred churches.
  • We work together with churches to fulfill God's mission across cultures locally and globally.
  • Prayer: Each purpose, plan and activity of the Mission is born of prayer and committed to God in prayer.

Cross Cultural Worker in Spain
Land van oorsprong
United States

With ECM since 2023

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Grace Tindell

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