George & Cathy Brown

Cathy and I count it a privilege to work with and help resource the missionaries and ministries of ECMI. We stand in awe of God’s tapestry of personal backgrounds and cultures that make up these ministries and their one common vision of seeing the peoples of Europe transformed in the name of Christ.

George and Cathy Brown have been involved in international ministry for more than 30 years. Having served with Greater Europe Mission (GEM) for 20 years, including 7 years in France as church planters, they also helped GEM launch the shared services ministry of VisionQuest Alliance (Now TenFoldbpo).

Appointed in 2008 with ECMI, George served as the Executive Director of the U.S. section of the European Christian Mission International (ECMI) until May 31, 2019. Starting June 1, 2019, he  serves as  Global Ministry Consultant coming alongside the workers of ECMI, the Lausanne Church Planting Movement and other gloabl partners. George hopes to use his 35 years of international ministry experience to serve as a catalyst and advisor in logistical and organizational areas of ministry growth and development.

Global Ministry Consultant in ECMI-USA
Land van oorsprong

With ECM since 2008

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