Steve Steiner

I am married for over forty years to Beverly Horst Steiner, with whom I have six children (4 older adoptees), and eleven grandchildren.

A creative and innovative thinker, I am an experienced and seasoned leader who has managed human resources departments and am familiar with organizational and personnel law. My experience includes being a leader who has worked with the church, not for profit groups, business and agriculture.

My college education did not take a traditional path but consisted of three years spread between Ohio State in dairy science, Rosedale Bible Institute and business classes at Wooster Business College and Akron (OH) University. I continue to develop in personal, spiritual and professional ways through various educational opportunities.

In 2004 I left the business world to avail myself, as a volunteer consultant, to walk with persons doing Business for Transformation in the global world. Short term assignments have been in various regions of the world, including: Indonesia, Afghanistan, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Kosovo, Albania, Montenegro, East and West Africa, Central America and the Middle East to name a few.

Additionally, my wife and I have been active in SpringHaven, a local mental health professional counselling center, currently I chair it’s board.  I am the treasurer for my home congregation, Kidron Mennonite, Kidron, Ohio. I have served on various boards over the years, and I was on the ECMI-USA board from 2004-2012


International Trustee
Land van oorsprong
Unites States


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