Tom & Grace Campbell


Tom and Grace Campbell are part of a newly planted church, Amazing Grace Community Church (AGCC), in Skibbereen in West Cork.

Tom and Grace got married in 2011 and began theological study a couple of years later at the Irish Bible Institute. After many years of part-time study, alongside part-time work and church ministry, they have both recently graduated. Before joining Amazing Grace Community Church, Tom and Grace were part of Westside Baptist Church, where Tom served as the Assistant Pastor for 6 years. Joining ECM in September 2021, Tom and Grace seek to serve AGCC together, joining the community as they reach Skibbereen with the good news of the Lord Jesus. As the Associate Pastor, Tom will be helping with leadership, preaching and other ministries in the life of the church. As bi-vocational workers, Tom continues to work part-time for Amazon and Grace works part-time on the staff of the Irish Bible Institute.

They have a 4 year old boy called Perran and together they love getting outdoors, especially if it involves exploring near the coast or surfing some waves.

First Culture Workers in Ireland
Land van oorsprong

Since September 2021

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