Anna Tovey

"For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ, and through him God reconciled" (Col 1:19-20).

My rich family heritage in missions and my personal sense of God's calling to serve over the years have led me to work in Romania and Kenya over a period of about 8 years altogether. I mainly worked with street youth and people struggling with drug and alcohol addictions, and in Kenya I also completed an MA in Counselling Psychology. I have also worked for NZCMS for 2.5 years helping young people engage in meaningful mission experiences both in New Zealand and overseas. ECM came to my attention about 6 years ago when good friends of mine joined ECM Australia to serve in Romania, although I've known Féy since my days with NZCMS (2010-2012).

I currently work at Carey Baptist College as part of the library and student support team and serve on the missions team in my local church. While currently based in Auckland, my heart for participating in God’s global mission continues to be stirred. The opportunity to serve as an ECM Trustee is a real honour.

Since the end of 2023 I have been in conversation with Féy regarding my sense of God’s guidance back to Romania, which stemmed from a visit I had back there in Sept/Oct 2023. I hope to connect with a ministry working in a juvenile detention centre where I believe my skills can be used. Prayers would be greatly appreciated as I navigate the various possibilities and seek further guidance from God as to my place and role back in Timisoara. Please also pray for me as I seek to build partnership connections of ongoing prayer and financial support.

Trustee, Candidate for Romania
Land van oorsprong
New Zealand

With ECM since 2023

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