Music Minister in Andalusia, Spain

Lange termijn
Cordoba province, Andalusia

2-5 years, 5 years or more

We are looking for a MUSIC MINISTER (MISSIONARY) to work in the Subbética Cordobesa in Andalusia, Spain.


The Subbética Cordobesa is a region to the south of Cordoba, Spain, where there are several towns; Cabra and Lucena being the two main ones. Located in the geographical centre of the Andalusian region together they have a population of 63,000 inhabitants. According to approximate data, there are about 300 evangelical Christians in the congregations of both towns. That is equivalent to about 0.5% being believers in the two towns, and in the other towns of the Subbética the number is even smaller. Some of these towns do not have any church plant, which demonstrates the urgency of the missionary work in the midst of this population. Our congregation is located in Cabra and we have cells (small groups) in Cabra and Lucena and the vision is to plant more cells in these towns and to open groups in the surrounding towns.

We are looking for a MUSIC MINISTER to lead and develop the worship ministry of the congregation and to develop and lead evangelistic events and projects through music in the surrounding towns.


. Leadership skills;

. Training in music;

. Teamwork skills;

. Willingness to commit to disciple making through a small home group.

. A good level of Spanish or willingness to learn.

The vision of multiplication through home cell groups is the main vision of the ministry already being developed in the congregation by the mission team working there and the music minister will need to be willing to commit to this vision of ministry. That is: Compassion for the lost and making and multiplying disciples of Christ through the cell groups.

This role is for a fully supported ministry worker.

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dhr., mevr, familie
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