Church Plant in Coimbra, Portugal

Coimbra, Portugal
Ministry Type:
Outreach & evangelisatiePioneer Church PlantingStudent Ministry

Support Comunidade da Graça Coimbra

We are Comunidade da Graça Coimbra, a young church plant launched in 2023 in Coimbra, Portugal. Known as the “city of knowledge” and boasting one of Europe’s oldest universities, Coimbra is home to a vibrant, multicultural community that we want to reach with the gospel of Jesus. Last year, we rented a centrally located space near the university and football field, where we are engaging a community that needs salvation. Since then, the church is growing in unexpected ways!

We invite you to join us in two key ways: through prayer—for boldness and gospel impact—and by considering a financial gift to cover essential needs such as Bibles, AV equipment, air conditioning, chairs, and Sunday school materials. Thanks to recent donations, our current goal is €2,495.

To stay updated on prayer needs, email To contribute, please transfer to:

IBAN: PT50001000006360899000250

Kindly email our treasurer, Vinicyus Fortes, at upon making a donation.

Grace and peace,

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