Summer Outreach Camp in Croatia

Ministry Type:
Children and YouthChurch DevelopmentMissional CommunitiesOutreach & evangelisatie
Our first Summer outreach camp in Croatia started in 2013 through the NGO "I want life", which is led by p. Jonathan Vukov and the associates of the local Emanuel church. A year before that, the team prayed for new opportunities so that they could serve more, and God gave an answer and led us to organize the first seven-day camp on the Croatian coast with foster children and foster parents, where there were about 70 visitors and 25 Christians in the team.

Such a camp is an incredible opportunity to share the gospel, because people are separated 350 kilometers from their daily activities and are open to fellowship. Also, visitors can see and participate together with Christians in everyday situations when they get up together, have exercise, prayer, breakfast, lunch, dinner, workshops, biblical messages, children's program, worship, conversations, games, swimming in the sea, sunbathing, fellowship... We are happy that for many it was a turning point in their lives and the moment when they met Christ and were baptized or after the camp they started coming to youth gatherings or Sunday services.
Many young people or families with whom we are in contact do not have the financial means to pay the price of the camp or transport to the camp, so every year we try to be a blessing to these people by helping them financially to cover the costs. Please support us in the organization of Camp 2024!

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