Nowy Sacz churchplant

Nowy Sacz
Ministry Type:
Children and YouthMercy Ministries

Nowy Sacz is a key city in the Podhale region of Poland. It is an hour’s drive away from Rabka. Something like 83,000 people live in N.S. (compared to 13,000 in Rabka) and the population is growing (not shrinking like in so many other places in Poland). There are lots of schools, businesses, industry and residential areas. The only evangelical Christians in Nowy Sacz are at one Pentecostal church and a small Brethren group.

We praise the Lord for what He has done in Rabka. The church was officially registered this summer and the team now has a beautiful building to use for ministry. The work in Rabka isn’t finished yet. There is still lots to do. We continue to ask God to give us the right people to take over leadership in the church. We have started a small English school as a way of serving the people of Rabka and building relationships for evangelism.

To be able to start a new work in Nowy Saczm, we need:
* The right church planting team
* God’s strategy
* Prayer and financial support
* Individuals and teams to come for short term ministry

God tells us that when we are making plans we should say; “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” (James 4:15)  Every work of God begins (also continues and is completed) in answer to prayer. Will you please pray for the ministry in Nowy Sacz?  “...As you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.” (2Cor.1:11)

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