Church Planting in Budapest

Budapest, Hungary
Ministry Type:
Missional CommunitiesOutreach & evangelisatiePioneer Church PlantingStudent Ministry

ECM was active until World War II in Hungary. Now, our launch of a new worship gathering in Budapest marks our return to Hungary after a multi-year absence. We are eager to resume our focus on advancing God’s Kingdom in this beautiful and culturally rich nation.

As with much of Europe, Hungary has a strong Christian legacy, and nearly 9 of 10 Hungarians are associated with the Christian faith. However, this is largely a reflection of cultural traditions and expectations. Evangelical believers amount to less than 3% of the population. Sharing the Gospel in Hungary is challenging precisely because of the cursory familiarity people have with Christianity.

The new group will meet in a vibrant new area in Budapest and be led by a Hungarian couple, Tamás & Virág Győri. Their vision is to reach students and other young professionals who have not connected to traditional Hungarian churches. Because Budapest is the country’s center of influence, our prayer is for impact far beyond the capital region.

We invite you to join us in prayer as we embark on this exciting ministry journey.

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