Hosting the Gospel in Dugo Selo

Missionaire gemeentestichting
Dugo Selo
Ministry Type:
Children and YouthChurch DevelopmentMissional CommunitiesOutreach & evangelisatiePioneer Church Planting

In April 2014 we began planting the church of Dugo Selo. This Baptist church in Dugo Selo is the first evangelical church in a town that has 25,000 inhabitants. Even though it is a small church, it has a great influence in the community, doing various evangelistic activities during the year and the town is very accepting of us.

The church is involved in several events in the town, including a strawberry day every year (well over 1000 people congregate during the day), a Christmas party, we write in the local newspaper, we have a programme on the city radio, and we also have a summer English course. We also already have a small group of 10 people meeting in neighbouring Vrbovec, a town of 16 thousand inhabitants where we hope to plant the first evangelical church in that region.

The blossoming church can now pay for 50% of the rent for the building but we need your help to pay the rest of the rent for the next three years. We hope that in the first year we need €200, the second year €130 and then €70 a month for the third year.

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Dugo Selo Sund worsh_n

Ivan Testiomony1

Marko Preaching_n

Stjepan Preachingn

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