Ministry Type:
Student MinistryTheological and Ministry Training

MOCLAM España seeks to establish, equip and encourage people for growth in their knowledge, love and service of the Lord Jesus Christ through sound biblically-based courses.

To do that, we provide high-quality, easily accessible theological education throughout all of Spain. The program consists of 18 subjects, which have a focus in biblical studies. The courses engage deeply with the Bible, but are academically appropriate for the majority of educational backgrounds

As an international program, these biblical courses have been taught for more than 80 years, and now counts more than 5,000 students in 50 countries and multiple languages and denominations. Within Spain, the students are located in every corner of the country, studying in groups or individually. Many of the students in Spain serve in university outreach, and many serve as lay leaders or pastors in their local congregations.

You can find out more at

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