Summer Evangelism at Varazdin, Croatia

Varazdin, Croatia
Ministry Type:
Outreach & evangelisatie

The church at Varazdin in Croatia is very active in evangelism and church planting. This summer, like every year, the church is planning on holding an evangelistic event in the town.

“Pokreni se” (In English: “Let's Go!”) is a three day evangelistic campaign/festival that takes place in the center of Varaždin with a package of evangelistic cultural events, such as musical bands from Austria and Mexico, former professional footballers, the presentation of “Super-Book” with the promotional full sized robot “Gizzmo”, and street evangelism over six hours for each of the three days, with teams simultaneously in the six main streets of the town center. The campaign will involve all of the town's evangelical churches. It will be mostly funded by the three evangelical churches and two other Christian organisations in the town, but you can contribute as well through ECM.

You can watch a video of a previous evangelistic campaign at 

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