Manzanares, Ciudad Real (Castilla-La Mancha)

Ministry Type:
Children and YouthHealthcareMercy MinistriesOutreach & evangelisatie

Manzanares, Ciudad Real, is a municipality in Ciudad Real, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain and located near the Autovía A-4, the main autoroute between Madrid and Andalucía. It has a population of about 19,000 people.  The Iglesia de la Asunción, the town's main church, is dedicated to the Assumption of Mary.

Nohemí Valero has been working in planting and developing the church there, together with her brother and others who are the fruit of the hard work in the region, and with help from the believers in the nearby town of Valdepeñas (where Nohemí lives).

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